Welcome to the fledgling web presence of JETAA Pittsburgh! While we’re proudly a part of JETAANY, we’re here specifically to serve the needs of JET alumni, applicants, and participants from Pittsburgh, southwestern Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas.
Currently we’re most active on Facebook. If you, however, are not, please do email us to get in touch!
For recently accepted JET participants:
CONGRATULATIONS! You must be excited (and a bit terrified)! We’re here to help you prepare for your journey.
For recent returnees from Japan:
Okaerinasai! We’ve all been there – the ups and downs of reverse culture shock, finding a job and paving our own paths upon returning. Please reach out to us for solidarity, friendship, and support.
For FOJs (“Friends of JET”):
Hey! We’re really glad you’ve stuck around to support us and encourage our love of Japan. Allow us to collectively reel you in. 😉
For people interested in the JET Program and/or Japanese culture:
Hey, yinz! We’re hoping to connect at a grassroots level with various Japanese cultural groups and events around town. For now, we’d just love to get to know you! And if you’re applying to the JET Program, we’re happy to give you a realistic picture of what life on JET will be like.
For people outside Pittsburgh or SW PA:
Hello! Any of you, no matter where in the country or world you live, are more than welcome to join us at any of our events. We know that our events are all in the city of Pittsburgh, but I hope that won’t discourage you from reaching out so we can at least connect and chat online.